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Fashion does it Better
27 février 2016


From a random kebab-house to Karl Lagerfeld via some stops at some fast-food restaurant, the station's piano and two yellow letterboxes, Daria Werbowy's trip in Paris, Gare du Nord, has more to do with our own experiences of the french capital city than...
25 février 2016

Sexy Siouxsie (NSFFW*)

Sexy Siouxsie (NSFFW*)
*Not Safe For Fashion Week. So, we start to hear about the newest Prada exclusive bookings, start to read unknown names and we'll have a look once the bottle of beer is empty. For now, we're more dazzled by one of Harley Weir's editorials from the latest...
13 septembre 2015

Diavola Ice-Cream

Diavola Ice-Cream
We took another slice, slept away, took another slice, another train, arrived on lemon grass, in a godforsaken station wishing we were in Paris, to suck all the glitz and glam of a part of the world, but no. High on the sidewalk, high on whatever powder,...
25 août 2010

La Revanche d'Une Brune

La Revanche d'Une Brune
Jacquelyn Jablonski @ Supreme (NY) Tears of love might be frozen tears, it's still not supposed to mean they should freeze your mind as well and stick it to the last memories of an era. And when the next chapter is able to warm you up, even when it's...
21 mars 2010

// Parallel Lines //

// Parallel Lines //
Abbey Lee Kershaw @ Next, cover by Richard Prince styled by Tamara Rothstein. Bottom left you can see a little scar on the magazine that travelled a lot before arriving at home here. Got POP in hands, finally found it in town. It took a while till it...
13 février 2010


Lindsey Wixson @ Marilyn (NY) We could do it but we're not going to wax on Wixson this morning. Let's put it simple and direct to the point and leave the lyrical mood for another day. We could go on for hours it seems, we could go endlessly. From first...
24 septembre 2009

There's no Legend without Controversy

There's no Legend without Controversy
Myf Shepherd @ Next (Paris) and Katlin Aas @ Marilyn (Paris) Taken from Pop's latest issue, taken in the middle of nowhere it seems, like captured en catimini (by Mark Borthwick, fashionized by Vanessa Reid). Truth is known not to make too much noise...
2 septembre 2009

Laila and Friends

Laila and Friends
Laila Pudule, Kaya Wilkins and Deana Noop @ FM (London), Heather Koenitzer and Anna Tatton @ Bookings (London) The Return of the Independent Spirit. A title has never been that true. True to the atmosphere, true to the magazine (POP's brand new version),...